Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 3

Well, the morning of day three is extremely rough. It was the hardest time I had so far!! I had the chills so bad I couldn't stop shaking and I had a bad case of hives!! I took some Benadryl when I got out of bed to help with the hives. I forgot to eat and just jumped in the shower. Bad Idea!!! I had to make my shower quick and just as soon I as I got out of the shower things went from bad to worse. I threw up and then had to get my self together and get to the doctor. Luckily by the time I got to my treatment all of my problems had subsided. I received my third treatment and things went great!! The one downside for the day was that my platelet count was again really low so I need to have another infusion of platelets. Last night was by far the best night so far! I had very little pain no hives and I was able to sleep really well!!! Just one treatment left then we will work on get my counts up! I am positive that the drugs well help and my problems will subside at least for a while!! Again thank you to all those that have helped me!

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