Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My journey though Bone Marrow Transplant!

Ok so I know I haven't posted anything for a long time because I didn't have much to say until now! So I am admitted to the Huntsman Cancer Center in Salt Lake City Ut. I am under going treatment for aplastic anemia! This treatment is called a Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT). Most people don't have a full understanding of what that means. First thing I need to start my journey is a donor. So the chance of having a sibling match is 1 in 5 and I am lucky enough to have one! My brother Phillip has been willing and ready to do that for me! Next thing that has to happen is I have to be in the hospital for an extended period of time. For the first week I will have intense chemotherapy to kill my bone marrow and immune system. Then the second week I will get the actual transplant. Which for me is just an infusion though a central line that has been placed. For Phillip it means surgery to remove his bone marrow! OUCH! He is awesome because he is willing to go through so much pain for me. So after the transplant happens then we just wait to see if it worked. For at least the first three weeks that will be spent in the hospital. Then the last 6-8 weeks I will be staying at my uncle Kens house in Sandy Ut. So I am at the hosptial and have started the chemo! My body is handling it well I have had some dizziness and nausiousness. But not too bad considering how sick I could be. I am really thankful for everyone. It is a long scary journey a head but I have the support of so many and I will make it through


  1. Thanks for the update Marcy, you guys have all been in our prayers constantly and will continue to be. We love ya and can't wait to see you up and about!

  2. Hoping all goes well for you and your brother. Thank goodness for good supportive family. You are in my prayers and thoughts.
